root@3e51f958aef8:/var/www/html/jobe/runguard# cat runguard.c /* runguard -- run command with restrictions. Copyright (C) 2004-2013 Jaap Eldering ( Copyright (C) 2013 Keith Johnson Multiple minor improvements ported from the DOMjudge-ETH tree. Based on an idea from the timeout program, written by Wietse Venema as part of The Coroner's Toolkit. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Program specifications: This program will run the specified command in a separate process group (session) and apply the restrictions as specified after forking, before executing the command. The stdin and stdout streams are passed to the command and runguard does not read or write to these. Error and verbose messages from runguard are by default written to stderr, hence mixed with stderr output of the command, unless that is optionally redirected to file. The command and its children are sent a SIGTERM after the runtime has passed, followed by a SIGKILL after 'killdelay'. */ // #include "config.h" -- disabled. See runguard-config.h /* Some system/site specific config: VALID_USERS, CHROOT_PREFIX */ #include "runguard-config.h" /* For chroot(), which is not POSIX. */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE /* For unshare(), only used when cgroups are enabled */ #if ( USE_CGROUPS == 1 ) #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ( USE_CGROUPS == 1 ) #include #include #include #else #undef USE_CGROUPS #endif #define PROGRAM "runguard" #define VERSION DOMJUDGE_VERSION "/" REVISION #define AUTHORS "Jaap Eldering" #define max(x,y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) /* Array indices for input/output file descriptors as used by pipe() */ #define PIPE_IN 1 #define PIPE_OUT 0 #define BUF_SIZE 4*1024 char buf[BUF_SIZE]; const struct timespec killdelay = { 0, 100000000L }; /* 0.1 seconds */ extern int errno; #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE extern char **environ; #endif const int exit_failure = -1; char *progname; char *cmdname; char **cmdargs; char *rootdir; char *stdoutfilename; char *stderrfilename; char *exitfilename; char *timefilename; #ifdef USE_CGROUPS char *cgroupname; const char *cpuset; #endif int runuid; int rungid; int use_root; int use_time; int use_cputime; int use_user; int use_group; int redir_stdout; int redir_stderr; int limit_streamsize; int outputexit; int outputtime; int no_coredump; int be_verbose; int be_quiet; int show_help; int show_version; double runtime, cputime; /* in seconds */ #ifdef USE_CGROUPS int64_t memsize; #else rlim_t memsize; #endif rlim_t filesize; rlim_t nproc; size_t streamsize; pid_t child_pid; static volatile sig_atomic_t received_SIGCHLD = 0; FILE *child_stdout; FILE *child_stderr; int child_pipefd[3][2]; int child_redirfd[3]; struct timeval starttime, endtime; struct tms startticks, endticks; struct option const long_opts[] = { {"root", required_argument, NULL, 'r'}, {"user", required_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"group", required_argument, NULL, 'g'}, {"time", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"cputime", required_argument, NULL, 'C'}, {"memsize", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"filesize", required_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"nproc", required_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"cpuset", required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"no-core", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"stdout", required_argument, NULL, 'o'}, {"stderr", required_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"streamsize", required_argument, NULL, 's'}, {"outexit", required_argument, NULL, 'E'}, {"outtime", required_argument, NULL, 'T'}, {"verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"quiet", no_argument, NULL, 'q'}, {"help", no_argument, &show_help, 1 }, {"version", no_argument, &show_version, 1 }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; void warning( const char *, ...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2))); void verbose( const char *, ...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2))); void error(int, const char *, ...) __attribute__((format (printf, 2, 3))); void warning(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); if ( ! be_quiet ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: warning: ",progname); vfprintf(stderr,format,ap); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } va_end(ap); } void verbose(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); if ( ! be_quiet && be_verbose ) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: verbose: ",progname); vfprintf(stderr,format,ap); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } va_end(ap); } void error(int errnum, const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,format); fprintf(stderr,"%s",progname); if ( format!=NULL ) { fprintf(stderr,": "); vfprintf(stderr,format,ap); } if ( errnum!=0 ) { fprintf(stderr,": %s",strerror(errnum)); } if ( format==NULL && errnum==0 ) { fprintf(stderr,": unknown error"); } fprintf(stderr,"\nTry `%s --help' for more information.\n",progname); va_end(ap); exit(exit_failure); } void version() { printf("\ %s -- version %s\n\ Written by %s\n\n\ %s comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you\n\ are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the GNU\n\ General Public Licence for details.\n",PROGRAM,VERSION,AUTHORS,PROGRAM); exit(0); } void usage() { printf("\ Usage: %s [OPTION]... COMMAND...\n\ Run COMMAND with restrictions.\n\ \n", progname); printf("\ -r, --root=ROOT run COMMAND with root directory set to ROOT\n\ -u, --user=USER run COMMAND as user with username or ID USER\n\ -g, --group=GROUP run COMMAND under group with name or ID GROUP\n\ -t, --time=TIME kill COMMAND after TIME seconds (float)\n\ -C, --cputime=TIME set maximum CPU time to TIME seconds (float)\n\ -m, --memsize=SIZE set all (total, stack, etc) memory limits to SIZE kB\n\ -f, --filesize=SIZE set maximum created filesize to SIZE kB;\n"); printf("\ -p, --nproc=N set maximum no. processes to N\n\ -P, --cpuset=ID use only processor number ID\n\ -c, --no-core disable core dumps\n\ -o, --stdout=FILE redirect COMMAND stdout output to FILE\n\ -e, --stderr=FILE redirect COMMAND stderr output to FILE\n\ -s, --streamsize=SIZE truncate COMMAND stdout/stderr streams at SIZE kB\n\ -E, --outexit=FILE write COMMAND exitcode to FILE\n\ -T, --outtime=FILE write COMMAND runtime to FILE\n"); printf("\ -v, --verbose display some extra warnings and information\n\ -q, --quiet suppress all warnings and verbose output\n\ --help display this help and exit\n\ --version output version information and exit\n"); printf("\n\ Note that root privileges are needed for the `root' and `user' options.\n\ The COMMAND path is relative to the changed ROOT directory if specified.\n\ When run setuid without the `user' option, the user ID is set to the\n\ real user ID.\n"); exit(0); } void output_exit_time(int exitcode, double timediff) { FILE *outputfile; double userdiff, sysdiff; unsigned long ticks_per_second = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); verbose("command exited with exitcode %d",exitcode); if ( outputexit ) { verbose("writing exitcode to file `%s'",exitfilename); if ( (outputfile = fopen(exitfilename,"w"))==NULL ) { error(errno,"cannot open `%s'",exitfilename); } if ( fprintf(outputfile,"%d\n",exitcode)==0 ) { error(0,"cannot write to file `%s'",exitfilename); } if ( fclose(outputfile) ) { error(errno,"closing file `%s'",exitfilename); } } userdiff = (double)(endticks.tms_cutime - startticks.tms_cutime) / ticks _per_second; sysdiff = (double)(endticks.tms_cstime - startticks.tms_cstime) / ticks _per_second; verbose("runtime is %.3f seconds real, %.3f user, %.3f sys", timediff, userdiff, sysdiff); if ( use_cputime && (userdiff+sysdiff) > cputime ) { warning("timelimit exceeded (cpu time)"); } if ( outputtime ) { verbose("writing runtime to file `%s'",timefilename); if ( (outputfile = fopen(timefilename,"w"))==NULL ) { error(errno,"cannot open `%s'",timefilename); } if ( fprintf(outputfile,"%.3f\n",userdiff+sysdiff)==0 ) { error(0,"cannot write to file `%s'",timefilename); } if ( fclose(outputfile) ) { error(errno,"closing file `%s'",timefilename); } } } #ifdef USE_CGROUPS void output_cgroup_stats() { int ret; int64_t max_usage; struct cgroup *cg; struct cgroup_controller *cg_controller; cg = cgroup_new_cgroup(cgroupname); if (!cg) { error(0,"cgroup_new_cgroup"); } if ((ret = cgroup_get_cgroup(cg)) != 0) { error(0,"get cgroup information: %s(%d)", cgroup_strerror(ret), ret); } cg_controller = cgroup_get_controller(cg, "memory"); ret = cgroup_get_value_int64(cg_controller, "memory.memsw.max_usage_in_b ytes", &max_usage); if ( ret!=0 ) { error(0,"get cgroup value: %s(%d)", cgroup_strerror(ret), ret); } verbose("total memory used: %" PRId64 " kB", max_usage/1024); cgroup_free(&cg); } void cgroup_create() { int ret; struct cgroup *cg; struct cgroup_controller *cg_controller; cg = cgroup_new_cgroup(cgroupname); if (!cg) { error(0,"cgroup_new_cgroup"); } /* Set up the memory restrictions; these two options limit ram use and ram+swap use. They are the same so no swapping can occur */ cg_controller = cgroup_add_controller(cg, "memory"); cgroup_add_value_int64(cg_controller, "memory.limit_in_bytes", memsize); cgroup_add_value_int64(cg_controller, "memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes", mem size); /* Set up cpu restrictions; we pin the task to a specific set of cpus. We also give it exclusive access to those cores, and set no limits on memory nodes */ if ( cpuset!=NULL && strlen(cpuset)>0 ) { cg_controller = cgroup_add_controller(cg, "cpuset"); /* To make a cpuset exclusive, some additional setup outside of domjudge is required, so for now, we will leave this commented out. */ /* cgroup_add_value_int64(cg_controller, "cpuset.cpu_exclusive", 1); */ cgroup_add_value_string(cg_controller, "cpuset.mems", "0"); cgroup_add_value_string(cg_controller, "cpuset.cpus", cpuset); } else { verbose("cpuset undefined"); } /* Perform the actual creation of the cgroup */ ret = cgroup_create_cgroup(cg, 1); if ( ret!=0 ) { error(0,"creating cgroup: %s(%d)", cgroup_strerror(ret), ret); } cgroup_free(&cg); } void cgroup_attach() { int ret; struct cgroup *cg; cg = cgroup_new_cgroup(cgroupname); if (!cg) { error(0,"cgroup_new_cgroup"); } ret = cgroup_get_cgroup(cg); if ( ret!=0 ) { error(0,"get cgroup information: %s(%d)", cgroup_strerror(ret), ret); } /* Attach task to the cgroup */ ret = cgroup_attach_task(cg); if ( ret!=0 ) { error(0,"attach task to cgroup: %s(%d)", cgroup_strerror(ret), r et); } cgroup_free(&cg); } void cgroup_delete() { int ret; struct cgroup *cg; cg = cgroup_new_cgroup(cgroupname); if (!cg) { error(0,"cgroup_new_cgroup"); } ret = cgroup_get_cgroup(cg); if ( ret!=0 ) { error(0,"get cgroup information: %s(%d)", cgroup_strerror(ret), ret); } /* Clean up our cgroup */ ret = cgroup_delete_cgroup(cg, 1); if ( ret!=0 ) { error(0,"deleting cgroup: %s(%d)", cgroup_strerror(ret), ret); } cgroup_free(&cg); } #endif // USE_CGROUPS void terminate(int sig) { struct sigaction sigact; /* Reset signal handlers to default */ sigact.sa_handler = SIG_DFL; sigact.sa_flags = 0; if ( sigemptyset(&sigact.sa_mask)!=0 ) { warning("could not initialize signal mask"); } if ( sigaction(SIGTERM,&sigact,NULL)!=0 ) { warning("could not restore signal handler"); } if ( sigaction(SIGALRM,&sigact,NULL)!=0 ) { warning("could not restore signal handler"); } if ( sig==SIGALRM ) { warning("timelimit exceeded (wall time): aborting command"); } else { warning("received signal %d: aborting command",sig); } /* First try to kill graciously, then hard */ verbose("sending SIGTERM"); if ( kill(-child_pid,SIGTERM)!=0 ) error(errno,"sending SIGTERM to comma nd"); /* Prefer nanosleep over sleep because of higher resolution and it does not interfere with signals. */ nanosleep(&killdelay,NULL); verbose("sending SIGKILL"); if ( kill(-child_pid,SIGKILL)!=0 ) error(errno,"sending SIGKILL to comma nd"); /* Wait another while to make sure the process is killed by now. */ nanosleep(&killdelay,NULL); } static void child_handler(int sig) { received_SIGCHLD = 1; } int userid(char *name) { struct passwd *pwd; errno = 0; /* per the linux GETPWNAM(3) man-page */ pwd = getpwnam(name); if ( pwd==NULL || errno ) return -1; return (int) pwd->pw_uid; } int groupid(char *name) { struct group *grp; errno = 0; /* per the linux GETGRNAM(3) man-page */ grp = getgrnam(name); if ( grp==NULL || errno ) return -1; return (int) grp->gr_gid; } long readoptarg(const char *desc, long minval, long maxval) { long arg; char *ptr; arg = strtol(optarg,&ptr,10); if ( errno || *ptr!='\0' || argmaxval ) { error(errno,"invalid %s specified: `%s'",desc,optarg); } return arg; } void setrestrictions() { char* savedEnvironmentVariables[] = {"PATH", "LANG", "LC_ALL", "LC_COLLA TE", "LC_CTYPE", "LC_MESSAGES", "LC_MONETARY", "LC_NUMERIC", "LC_TIME"}; char* savedValues[sizeof(savedEnvironmentVariables) / sizeof(char*)]; int numSavedVariables = sizeof(savedEnvironmentVariables) / sizeof(char* ); char cwd[PATH_MAX+1]; char* path = NULL; int i; struct rlimit lim; /* Clear environment to prevent all kinds of security holes, save PATH * / /* RJL: Changed to save and restore all standard locale variables */ //path = getenv("PATH"); for (i = 0; i < numSavedVariables; i++) { savedValues[i] = getenv(savedEnvironmentVariables[i]); } environ[0] = NULL; /* FIXME: Clean path before setting it again? */ //if ( path!=NULL ) setenv("PATH",path,1); for (i = 0; i < numSavedVariables; i++) { if (savedValues[i] != NULL) { setenv(savedEnvironmentVariables[i], savedValues[i], 1); } } /* Set resource limits: must be root to raise hard limits. Note that limits can thus be raised from the systems defaults! */ /* First define shorthand macro function */ #define setlim(type) \ if ( setrlimit(RLIMIT_ ## type, &lim)!=0 ) { \ if ( errno==EPERM ) { \ warning("no permission to set resource RLIMIT_" #type); \ } else { \ error(errno,"setting resource RLIMIT_" #type); \ } \ } if ( use_cputime ) { rlim_t cputime_limit = (rlim_t)cputime + 1; verbose("setting CPU-time limit to %d seconds",(int)cputime_limi t); lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = cputime_limit; setlim(CPU); } /* Memory limits may be handled by cgroups now */ #ifndef USE_CGROUPS if ( memsize!=RLIM_INFINITY ) { verbose("setting memory limits to %d bytes",(int)memsize); lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = memsize; setlim(AS); /* Commented out the next 2 lines - they cause problems for multithreaded applications and don't add much security. setlim(DATA); setlim(STACK);*/ } #else /* Memory limits should be unlimited when using cgroups */ lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; setlim(AS); setlim(DATA); setlim(STACK); #endif if ( filesize!=RLIM_INFINITY ) { verbose("setting filesize limit to %d bytes",(int)filesize); lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = filesize; setlim(FSIZE); } if ( nproc!=RLIM_INFINITY ) { verbose("setting process limit to %d",(int)nproc); lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = nproc; setlim(NPROC); } #undef setlim if ( no_coredump ) { verbose("disabling core dumps"); lim.rlim_cur = lim.rlim_max = 0; if ( setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE,&lim)!=0 ) error(errno,"disabling cor e dumps"); } /* Set root-directory and change directory to there. */ if ( use_root ) { /* Small security issue: when running setuid-root, people can fi nd out which directories exist from error message. */ if ( chdir(rootdir)!=0 ) error(errno,"cannot chdir to `%s'",root dir); /* Get absolute pathname of rootdir, by reading it. */ if ( getcwd(cwd,PATH_MAX)==NULL ) error(errno,"cannot get direct ory"); if ( cwd[strlen(cwd)-1]!='/' ) strcat(cwd,"/"); /* Canonicalize CHROOT_PREFIX. */ if ( (path = (char *) malloc(PATH_MAX+1))==NULL ) { error(errno,"allocating memory"); } if ( realpath(CHROOT_PREFIX,path)==NULL ) { error(errno,"cannot canonicalize path '%s'",CHROOT_PREFI X); } /* Check that we are within prescribed path. */ if ( strncmp(cwd,path,strlen(path))!=0 ) { error(0,"invalid root: must be within `%s'",path); } free(path); if ( chroot(".")!=0 ) error(errno,"cannot change root to `%s'",c wd); /* Just to make sure and satisfy Coverity scan: */ if ( chdir("/")!=0 ) error(errno,"cannot chdir to `/' in chroot" ); verbose("using root-directory `%s'",cwd); } /* Set group-id (must be root for this, so before setting user). */ if ( use_group ) { if ( setgid(rungid) ) error(errno,"cannot set group ID to `%d'", rungid); verbose("using group ID `%d'",rungid); gid_t aux_groups[] = {rungid}; if (setgroups(1, aux_groups)) error(errno, "cannot clear auxilia ry groups"); } /* Set user-id (must be root for this). */ if ( use_user ) { if ( setuid(runuid) ) error(errno,"cannot set user ID to `%d'",r unuid); verbose("using user ID `%d' for command",runuid); } else { /* Permanently reset effective uid to real uid, to prevent child command from having root privileges. Note that this means that the child runs as the same user as the watchdog process and can thus manipulate it, e.g. by sending SIGSTOP/SIGCONT! */ if ( setuid(getuid()) ) error(errno,"cannot reset real user ID") ; verbose("reset user ID to `%d' for command",getuid()); } if ( geteuid()==0 || getuid()==0 ) error(0,"root privileges not dropped. Do not run judgedaemon as root."); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { sigset_t sigmask, emptymask; fd_set readfds; pid_t pid; int i, r, nfds; #ifdef USE_CGROUPS int ret; #endif int status; int exitcode; char *valid_users; char *ptr; int opt; double timediff, tmpd; size_t data_passed[3]; ssize_t nread, nwritten; struct itimerval itimer; struct sigaction sigact; progname = argv[0]; /* Parse command-line options */ use_root = use_time = use_cputime = use_user = outputexit = outputtime = no_coredump = 0; memsize = filesize = nproc = RLIM_INFINITY; redir_stdout = redir_stderr = limit_streamsize = 0; be_verbose = be_quiet = 0; show_help = show_version = 0; opterr = 0; while ( (opt = getopt_long(argc,argv,"+r:u:g:t:C:m:f:p:P:c:o:e:s:E:T:v:q ",long_opts,(int *) 0))!=-1 ) { switch ( opt ) { case 0: /* long-only option */ break; case 'r': /* rootdir option */ use_root = 1; rootdir = (char *) malloc(strlen(optarg)+2); strcpy(rootdir,optarg); break; case 'u': /* user option: uid or string */ use_user = 1; runuid = strtol(optarg,&ptr,10); if ( errno || *ptr!='\0' ) runuid = userid(optarg); if ( runuid<0 ) error(0,"invalid username or ID specifie d: `%s'",optarg); break; case 'g': /* group option: gid or string */ use_group = 1; rungid = strtol(optarg,&ptr,10); if ( errno || *ptr!='\0' ) rungid = groupid(optarg); if ( rungid<0 ) error(0,"invalid groupname or ID specifi ed: `%s'",optarg); break; case 't': /* time option */ use_time = 1; runtime = strtod(optarg,&ptr); if ( errno || *ptr!='\0' || !finite(runtime) || runtime< =0 ) { error(errno,"invalid runtime specified: `%s'",op targ); } break; case 'C': /* CPU time option */ use_cputime = 1; cputime = strtod(optarg,&ptr); if ( errno || *ptr!='\0' || !finite(cputime) || cputime< =0 ) { error(errno,"invalid cputime specified: `%s'",op targ); } break; case 'm': /* memsize option */ memsize = (rlim_t) readoptarg("memory limit",1,LONG_MAX) ; /* Convert limit from kB to bytes and check for overflow */ if ( memsize!=(memsize*1024)/1024 ) { memsize = RLIM_INFINITY; } else { memsize *= 1024; } break; case 'f': /* filesize option */ filesize = (rlim_t) readoptarg("filesize limit",1,LONG_M AX); /* Convert limit from kB to bytes and check for overflow */ if ( filesize!=(filesize*1024)/1024 ) { filesize = RLIM_INFINITY; } else { filesize *= 1024; } break; case 'p': /* nproc option */ nproc = (rlim_t) readoptarg("process limit",1,LONG_MAX); break; case 'P': /* cpuset option */ #ifdef USE_CGROUPS cpuset = optarg; #else error(0,"option `-P' is only supported when comp iled with cgroup support."); #endif break; case 'c': /* no-core option */ no_coredump = 1; break; case 'o': /* stdout option */ redir_stdout = 1; stdoutfilename = strdup(optarg); break; case 'e': /* stderr option */ redir_stderr = 1; stderrfilename = strdup(optarg); break; case 's': /* streamsize option */ limit_streamsize = 1; streamsize = (size_t) readoptarg("streamsize limit",0,LO NG_MAX); /* Convert limit from kB to bytes and check for overflow */ if ( streamsize!=(streamsize*1024)/1024 ) { streamsize = (size_t) LONG_MAX; } else { streamsize *= 1024; } break; case 'E': /* outputexit option */ outputexit = 1; exitfilename = strdup(optarg); break; case 'T': /* outputtime option */ outputtime = 1; timefilename = strdup(optarg); break; case 'v': /* verbose option */ be_verbose = 1; break; case 'q': /* quiet option */ be_quiet = 1; break; case ':': /* getopt error */ case '?': error(0,"unknown option or missing argument `%c'",optopt ); break; default: error(0,"getopt returned character code `%c' ??",(char)o pt); } } if ( show_help ) usage(); if ( show_version ) version(); if ( argc<=optind ) error(0,"no command specified"); /* Command to be executed */ cmdname = argv[optind]; cmdargs = argv+optind; /* Check that new uid is in list of valid uid's. This must be done before chroot for /etc/passwd lookup. */ if ( use_user ) { valid_users = strdup(VALID_USERS); for(ptr=strtok(valid_users,","); ptr!=NULL; ptr=strtok(NULL,",") ) { if ( runuid==userid(ptr) ) break; } if ( ptr==NULL || runuid<=0 ) error(0,"illegal user specified: % d",runuid); } /* Setup pipes connecting to child stdout/err streams (ignore stdin). */ for(i=1; i<=2; i++) { if ( pipe(child_pipefd[i])!=0 ) error(errno,"creating pipe for f d %d",i); } if ( sigemptyset(&emptymask)!=0 ) error(errno,"creating empty signal mas k"); /* unmask all signals, except SIGCHLD: detected in pselect() below */ sigmask = emptymask; if ( sigaddset(&sigmask, SIGCHLD)!=0 ) error(errno,"setting signal mask" ); if ( sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &sigmask, NULL)!=0 ) { error(errno,"unmasking signals"); } /* Construct signal handler for SIGCHLD detection in pselect(). */ received_SIGCHLD = 0; sigact.sa_handler = child_handler; sigact.sa_flags = 0; sigact.sa_mask = emptymask; if ( sigaction(SIGCHLD,&sigact,NULL)!=0 ) { error(errno,"installing signal handler"); } #ifdef USE_CGROUPS /* Make libcgroup ready for use */ ret = cgroup_init(); if ( ret!=0 ) { error(0,"libcgroup initialization failed: %s(%d)\n", cgroup_stre rror(ret), ret); } /* Define the cgroup name that we will use */ cgroupname = (char*)malloc(256); if ( cgroupname==NULL ) { error(errno,"allocating memory for cgroupname"); } /* Note: group names must have slashes! */ snprintf(cgroupname, 256, "/domjudge/dj_cgroup_%d/", getpid()); cgroup_create(); unshare(CLONE_FILES|CLONE_FS|CLONE_NEWIPC|CLONE_NEWNET|CLONE_NEWNS|CLONE _NEWUTS|CLONE_SYSVSEM); #endif switch ( child_pid = fork() ) { case -1: /* error */ error(errno,"cannot fork"); case 0: /* run controlled command */ /* Connect pipes to command (stdin/)stdout/stderr and close unne eded fd's */ for(i=1; i<=2; i++) { if ( dup2(child_pipefd[i][PIPE_IN],i)<0 ) { error(errno,"redirecting child fd %d",i); } if ( close(child_pipefd[i][PIPE_IN] )!=0 || close(child_pipefd[i][PIPE_OUT])!=0 ) { error(errno,"closing pipe for fd %d",i); } } /* Run the command in a separate process group so that the comma nd and all its children can be killed off with one signal. */ if ( setsid()==-1 ) error(errno,"setsid failed"); #ifdef USE_CGROUPS /* Put the child process in the cgroup */ cgroup_attach(); #endif /* Apply all restrictions for child process. */ setrestrictions(); /* And execute child command. */ execvp(cmdname,cmdargs); error(errno,"cannot start `%s'",cmdname); default: /* become watchdog */ /* Shed privileges, only if not using a separate child uid, because in that case we may need root privileges to kill the child process. Do not use Linux specific setresuid() call with saved set-user-ID. */ if ( !use_user ) { if ( setuid(getuid())!=0 ) error(errno, "setting watchdo g uid"); verbose("watchdog using user ID `%d'",getuid()); } if ( gettimeofday(&starttime,NULL) ) error(errno,"getting time") ; /* Close unused file descriptors */ for(i=1; i<=2; i++) { if ( close(child_pipefd[i][PIPE_IN])!=0 ) { error(errno,"closing pipe for fd %i",i); } } /* Redirect child stdout/stderr to file */ for(i=1; i<=2; i++) { child_redirfd[i] = i; /* Default: no redirects */ data_passed[i] = 0; /* Reset data counters */ } if ( redir_stdout ) { child_redirfd[STDOUT_FILENO] = creat(stdoutfilename, S_I RUSR | S_IWUSR); if ( child_redirfd[STDOUT_FILENO]<0 ) { error(errno,"opening file '%s'",stdoutfilename); } } if ( redir_stderr ) { child_redirfd[STDERR_FILENO] = creat(stderrfilename, S_I RUSR | S_IWUSR); if ( child_redirfd[STDERR_FILENO]<0 ) { error(errno,"opening file '%s'",stderrfilename); } } if ( sigemptyset(&emptymask)!=0 ) error(errno,"creating empty si gnal mask"); /* Construct one-time signal handler to terminate() for TERM and ALRM signals. */ sigmask = emptymask; if ( sigaddset(&sigmask,SIGALRM)!=0 || sigaddset(&sigmask,SIGTERM)!=0 ) error(errno,"setting signa l mask"); sigact.sa_handler = terminate; sigact.sa_flags = SA_RESETHAND | SA_RESTART; sigact.sa_mask = sigmask; /* Kill child command when we receive SIGTERM */ if ( sigaction(SIGTERM,&sigact,NULL)!=0 ) { error(errno,"installing signal handler"); } if ( use_time ) { /* Kill child when we receive SIGALRM */ if ( sigaction(SIGALRM,&sigact,NULL)!=0 ) { error(errno,"installing signal handler"); } /* Trigger SIGALRM via setitimer: */ itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_sec = (int) runtime; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = (int)(modf(runtime,&tmpd) * 1E 6); if ( setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&itimer,NULL)!=0 ) { error(errno,"setting timer"); } verbose("using timelimit of %.3f seconds",runtime); } if ( times(&startticks)==(clock_t) -1 ) { error(errno,"getting start clock ticks"); } /* Wait for child data or exit. */ while ( 1 ) { FD_ZERO(&readfds); nfds = -1; for(i=1; i<=2; i++) { if ( child_pipefd[i][PIPE_OUT]>=0 ) { FD_SET(child_pipefd[i][PIPE_OUT],&readfd s); nfds = max(nfds,child_pipefd[i][PIPE_OUT ]); } } r = pselect(nfds+1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL, &emptyma sk); if ( r==-1 && errno!=EINTR ) error(errno,"waiting for ch ild data"); if ( received_SIGCHLD ) { if ( (pid = wait(&status))<0 ) error(errno,"wait ing on child"); if ( pid==child_pid ) break; } /* Check to see if data is available and pass it on */ for(i=1; i<=2; i++) { if ( child_pipefd[i][PIPE_OUT] != -1 && FD_ISSET (child_pipefd[i][PIPE_OUT],&readfds) ) { nread = read(child_pipefd[i][PIPE_OUT], buf, BUF_SIZE); if ( nread==-1 ) error(errno,"reading ch ild fd %d",i); if ( nread==0 ) { /* EOF detected: close fd and in dicate this with -1 */ if ( close(child_pipefd[i][PIPE_ OUT])!=0 ) { error(errno,"closing pip e for fd %d",i); } child_pipefd[i][PIPE_OUT] = -1; continue; } if ( limit_streamsize && data_passed[i]+ nread>=streamsize ) { if ( data_passed[i]