I thought I'd post a recent email exchange with Tim Hunt here, in case other CodeRunner users/developers have opinions on the topic. I asked Tim ...
Hi Tim
[.. snip..]
Back in May you wrote:
"Just be aware that there are more changes coming in Moodle 4.1 https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=434031. In particular, MDL-71378 is probably going to require a re-think of how CodeRunner questions relate to their prototypes (which, I have always felt was a bit of a work-around – but one that has worked well for many years. I have some thoughts about that, but I don’t feel inclined to explain my thinking yet. (Sorry. In my defence, it will be easier to explain once the new code is integrated into Moodle master.)"
I see that the mod_qbank got pulled from Moodle 4.1, which was a relief in that it gave me some breathing space. On the other hand, I'm now at the start of my 2-month holiday period, which is when I do any CodeRunner development, so I'd like to be able to get ahead of the game now, so I don't get stuck with trying to do development during a busy teaching time.
For a while I had a semi-working version of the master_MDL-71378-mod_qbank branch of MDL-72752 (https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-72752) but the current version is throwing CodingErrors at me. I also cloned the current Moodle master, V4.2Dev, but it doesn't seem to have mod_qbank in it. So ... I'm wondering where this development is at and how I can bring myself up to speed with plans. I'd also be interested to hear your thinking of where we should go with managing prototypes.
One bug I have discovered - you can't fire up a new Moodle + mod_qbank if the CodeRunner plugin code is present, because the CodeRunner installer tries to add the prototypes to the system context: because mod_qbank hasn't been initialised yet, its database tables aren't there and the question insertion code fails.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.