Issue with CodeRunner Prototypes in Moodle 4.6/5.0

Re: Issue with CodeRunner Prototypes in Moodle 4.6/5.0

by Richard Lobb -
Number of replies: 0
Great catch! Many thanks Luca. A colleague and I had pored over the CodeRunner code looking for plausible explanations for your problem but had drawn a blank. We would certainly never have thought of that!

However, I'd like to better understand the bug, so I know when it will be relevant to me. The $defaultactivityname variable should normally be 'qbank', in which case the code would join only with the qbank table and all would be well, wouldn't it? The only fail case I can see is if the variable $CFG->corequestion_defaultqbankmod has been set to some value other than 'qbank'. Was that the situation on your site?

Thanks again for the debugging effort, saving me from lots more totally fruitless imaginings.

To clarify: