Screen shots
Screen shots of CodeRunner questions in action
An empty CodeRunner question (Python3)
Bad answer (syntax error)
Bad answer (wrong output)
Bad answer (runtime error)
Right answer
C Function (hidden test case shown to teacher)
pylint-checked question: bad answer
Java Class: teacher view (showing hidden test case)
Use of the Precheck capability
Easy template-grader example: right answer
Easy template-grade example: partially-right answer
Custom grader: right answer
Custom grader: wrong answer
Custom grader: syntax error
Before clicking "Show differences"
After clicking "Show differences"
Question authoring: the trivial Python3 sqr function
The Graph UI in action
The Gap-filler UI in action
The scratchpad UI in action
(a) Before being opened by the student
(b) After being opened and used for a simple test
Ultima modificare: marți, 29 august 2023, 17:26