Test results are missing

Test results are missing

de Ljubisa Punosevac -
Número de respuestas: 2


For some reason on my website test results are missing:

Missing test results

However, when I go to Preview mode for the test, then I see test results:

Test results in Preview mode.

I checked JavaScript console, and there are no visible errors. Everything seems to be in order. All test have Show value set for Display property.

I compared sources on coderunner.org.nz and on my site and it turns out when I click Check button then div HTML element containing test results (with the CSS class coderunner-test-results bad) does not appear at all (tests should fail in a case I am testing). 

When I submit my test attempts then I see test results, but not when I check is my solution correct. Is this the way how CodeRunner plugin works in general? I would expect to see test where solution is failing.

Do you have any hint how to track down this problem?
I am suspecting that it might be related to my theme I have on my Moodle server, but I am not 100% sure?


En respuesta a Ljubisa Punosevac

Re: Test results are missing

de Richard Lobb -

The problem here is the settings of the quiz Review options. The result table from a CodeRunner question is called "Specific feedback" and the quiz review options allow you to control whether or not to display this during the attempt, immediately after the attempt, later while the quiz is still open and after the quiz is closed. You need to turn on display of specific feedback during the attempt.

The problem probably arose because

  1. You're not using the most recent version of CodeRunner, which has its own options to override the quiz feedback setting, with "Force show" as the default and
  2. You created a quiz with the question behaviour set to the default of Deferred feedback, which initialises the review options to hide the specific feedback during the attempt.

Traditionally, CodeRunner was intended to be used only in quizzes with the Adaptive question behaviour. However the latest version, with the Force Show option, allows you to include CodeRunner questions in Deferred feedback quizzes too. That way, students are able to check their code with CodeRunner questions (although they don't get to see the actual marks) but don't get leaked information from all the other question types in the quiz.

En respuesta a Richard Lobb

Re: Test results are missing

de Ljubisa Punosevac -
Dear Richard,

Thank you very much for your quick response. "Specific feedback" settings were in order, but I had an older version of the CodeRunner plugin (from 2018). Plugin update to the most recent version got it to work properly. 
Thank you very much for your help. Much appreciated. 
