Time Limit for each problem

Re: Time Limit for each problem

por Levi Osborne -
Número de respuestas: 0

You can set time limits for quizzes and then have open attempts automatically submit when the time runs out. While not exactly what you are purposing, I suppose you could use 1 of two workarounds:

  1. Divide the time you want for each question by the number of questions and set that for your quiz time. (For example, 5 questions with 10 minutes per question gives your quiz a total time of 50 minutes) They would be able to spend more time on some questions and less on others, but would still average 10 minutes per question.
  2. You could make separate quizzes for each question with the question time limit. Similar to the previous example, you would make 5 quizzes with 1 question each, each with a time limit of 10 minutes. Then, if the student isn't done at the 10 minute mark, it submits that quiz as a zero and then they can move on to the next question(quiz really) that has its own 10 minute time limit. The downside to this is you would get 5 individual grades instead of one cumulative one.