I mainly just wanted to say hello. We recently started a project at the Open University (UK) to add CodeRunner to our Moodle site, and I have to say, so far I am really impressed with how well almost everything works out of the box.
I spent some of today trying to get Travis CI to run the tests for this plugin, along the lines of https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=323384.
Of course, CodeRunner is more complicated, because you need the JOBE sandbox, and I have not yet got that working.
Well, to be honest, I have not even got Apache + PHP working, despite following https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/php/#Apache-%2B-PHP
My latest attempt is https://github.com/timhunt/moodle-qtype_coderunner/blob/travis/.travis.yml (lots of the real stuff is commented out so speed up seeing if I have got JOBE working yet) and the result is https://travis-ci.org/timhunt/moodle-qtype_coderunner. (Basically, I cannot get it to run a hello-world PHP script :-()
I'll probably keep banging my head against this, but if anyone else wants to try, please feel free to grab a copy of my code.
I have tried to hack the testsubmit.py script in JOBE so that you can specify the languages you want to run on the command-line, and also to make it return a meaningful exit code (so it can cause a Travis build to fail). However, please bear in mind that I don't know any python. (Well, I have learned how to write a square function ;-)). This commit https://github.com/timhunt/jobe/commit/20c0855fb97b255f8bdb86522773711f65c04e62 shows what happens if you write code by Googling stackoverflow answers. I have not been able to test it since I have not got past my hello world line in the travis script, and I am too lazy to try to install Python 3 on my Mac tonight.
(Edited by Richard Lobb - original submission Saturday, 5 November 2016, 12:32 PM)