How to display the binary form of digital template parameters in the question text?

How to display the binary form of digital template parameters in the question text?

de Hongchuan Liu -
Número de respuestas: 2
How to display the binary form of digital template parameters in the question text?
En respuesta a Hongchuan Liu

Re: How to display the binary form of digital template parameters in the question text?

de Richard Lobb -

I assume you have a randomly generated integer that you wish to display in binary? In which case I think you'll have to write Twig to convert it to a binary string. Something like the following (which I would suggest you put in the template parameters rather than in the question), which you can play with here on Twig fiddle.

{% set ndecimal = random(0,65535) %}
{% set n = ndecimal %}
{% set binary = "" %}
{% set power = 32768 %}
{% for i in range(0, 15) %}
{%    if n >= power %}
{%        set binary = binary ~ "1" %}
{%        set n = n - power %}
{%     else %}
{%        set binary = binary ~ "0" %}
{%     endif %}
{%     set power = power // 2 %}
{% endfor %}

Decimal {{ ndecimal }} is {{ binary }} in binary.
En respuesta a Richard Lobb

Re: How to display the binary form of digital template parameters in the question text?

de Hongchuan Liu -
{% set ndecimal = random(15, 20) %}
{% set n = ndecimal %}
{% set binary = "" %}
{% for i in range(0, 15) %}
{%    if n >0 %}
{%        set binary = (n % 2) ~ binary %}
{%        set n = n // 2 %}
{%     endif %}
{% endfor %}
{ "num":"{{ ndecimal }}","bin":"{{binary}}"}

I put the above  in the template parameters and it works well. 

Thanks a lot.