Hi Yannick and Lilian
Thanks for the interest in CodeRunner.
I've never used ocaml and I'm afraid I don't have time to explore it. There are lots of different programming languages, and lots of different question types you might want in each one, and it's just not feasible to support them all. You can think of CodeRunner as a question-type framework, where it's over to teachers to define their preferred question types in their own preferred languages.
Have you made any progress with modifying the
new language template to run ocaml, Yannick? When I look at the documentation I see multiple ways of installing and running ocaml. You may be able to get away with running the top level ocaml (installed simply with
sudo apt install ocaml-nox) but if I understand correctly, that just gives you a
repl shell. You could try writing the student code to a file
prog.ml and then running
ocaml, feeding it the line #use ''prog.ml''. But that would break if the program tries to do input at some point, wouldn't it? It looks to me (after only a few minutes browsing the documentation) that you might be better off installing opam + dune + ocaml. Then the question type could init a new project, build it, and run it. That would seem like a reasonably straightforward modification to the standard new language template.