Quiz timeout

Quiz timeout

de Carroll Morgan -
Número de respuestas: 4

Hi Richard,

I was wondering what happens to a CodeRunner question if the student is still busy when the quiz is ended because it's run out of time. There's a Moodle option somewhere to take their attempt as it is... but what data are actually kept by Moodle?

For example, if they're half-way through a question but have not pressed CHECK even once, is everything they're entered lost? If not, how does it reach the Python code of my grader, and when?


En respuesta a Carroll Morgan

Re: Quiz timeout

de Tim Hunt -

The quiz automatically saves the students work at various points:

  1. When they navigate to another page of the quiz.
  2. Every minute, after they make a change to their answer. (Exact time is a setting at the bottom of Admin -> Pugins -> Activity modules -> Quiz.)

I did have a brief worry that with the ACE editor, the quiz would not notice the student input changing, but when I checked, it does.

To verify this yourself:

  1. Go into your CodeRunner quiz, and start an attempt.
  2. Open the Developer tools in your browser (normally right-click, then 'Inspect').
  3. Switch the developer tools to the 'Network tab'.
  4. Types something into a CodeRunner question, but do nothing else.
  5. After about a minute, you should see a POST to '.../mod/quiz/autosave.ajax.php' appear in the network panel, and you can even inspect the request to see the payload, and see what you typed in there.
Anyway. verifying this for yourself is very good for your peace of mind :-)
En respuesta a Tim Hunt

Re: Quiz timeout

de Carroll Morgan -
Hi Tim,

and thanks for your reply. I'll certainly give that a shot. If the student is indeed "thrown off" by the quiz time-window's expiry, what is then the procedure for running what was saved through my custom grader?

En respuesta a Carroll Morgan

Re: Quiz timeout

de Tim Hunt -
Moodle general policy on this is that any have-completed work that has not already been graded should be when the timer expires. (And the timer expiring saves everything on the current page.)

Again, this is an experiment that you can do. If CodeRunner is not following the general Moodle policy, then that would be a bug we really want to know about - but I am pretty sure that CodeRunner gets this right.
En respuesta a Tim Hunt

Re: Quiz timeout

de Carroll Morgan -
Thank you Tim. (I didn't notice this, your second answer, until now). Indeed Moodle/CodeRunner does just as you say: whatever is there when the timer runs out is taken up and graded.
