I am using the SQL question type, and so far, things have been running smoothly. However, now I realized that after adding a second test case to a question, the error output is no longer visible to the student.
After adding a second test case for a SQL question type, I am just getting this back if there is any kind of error executing the code (like a typo or anything else in the answer):
Error in Question
Expected 2 test results, got 1. Perhaps excessive output or error in question?
My test cases are just simply:
Case 1: SELECT * FROM customerMeals;
Case 2: PRAGMA table_info([customerMeals]);
And below is my customization template (pretty much taken from the standard SQL question type, in which just some MySQL -> sqlite conversions will be done):
import subprocess, os, shutil, sys
# Use Twig to get students answer and the columnwidth template parameter
student_answer = """{{ STUDENT_ANSWER | e('py') }}""".rstrip()
column_widths = []
{% for width in QUESTION.parameters.columnwidths %}
{% endfor %}
def ireplace(old, new, text):
Replace case insensitive text
index_l = text.lower().index(old.lower())
return text[:index_l] + new + text[index_l + len(old):]
return text
import re
student_answer = ireplace("NOW()", "(datetime('now', 'localtime'))", student_answer)
student_answer = ireplace("INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", student_answer)
student_answer = ireplace("INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", student_answer)
student_answer = ireplace("INT AUTO_INCREMENT", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", student_answer)
student_answer = re.sub(r'^\s+PRIMARY.*\n?', '', student_answer, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE)
student_answer = re.sub(r',(?=\n\);)', '', student_answer)
column_widths = []
{% for width in QUESTION.parameters.columnwidths %}
{% endfor %}
if not student_answer.endswith(';'):
student_answer = student_answer + ';'
db_files = [fname for fname in os.listdir() if fname.endswith('.db')]
if len(db_files) == 0:
raise Exception("No DB files found!")
elif len(db_files) == 1:
db_working = db_files[0][:-3] # Strip .db extension
raise Exception("Multiple DB files not implemented yet, sorry!")
SEPARATOR = "#<ab@17943918#@>#"
controls = [".mode column", ".headers on"]
if column_widths: # Add column width specifiers if given
controls.append(".width " + ' '.join(str(width) for width in column_widths))
prelude = '\n'.join(controls) + '\n'
{% for TEST in TESTCASES %}
shutil.copyfile(db_files[0], db_working) # Copy clean writeable db file
testcode = """{{ TEST.testcode | e('py') }}"""
extra = """{{ TEST.extra | e('py') }}"""
code_to_run = '\n'.join([prelude, extra, student_answer, testcode])
with open('commands', 'w') as sqlite_commands:
with open('commands') as cmd_input:
text_input = cmd_input.read()
output = subprocess.check_output(['sqlite3', db_working], input=text_input,
except Exception as e:
raise Exception("sqlite3 error: " + str(e))
{% if not loop.last %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Any ideas?