sql type with multiple test cases not providing error output

sql type with multiple test cases not providing error output

de către Aleksi Postari-
Număr de răspunsuri: 2


I am using the SQL question type, and so far, things have been running smoothly. However, now I realized that after adding a second test case to a question, the error output is no longer visible to the student.

After adding a second test case for a SQL question type, I am just getting this back if there is any kind of error executing the code (like a typo or anything else in the answer):

Error in Question

Expected 2 test results, got 1. Perhaps excessive output or error in question?

My test cases are just simply:

Case 1: SELECT * FROM customerMeals; 
Case 2: PRAGMA table_info([customerMeals]);

And below is my customization template (pretty much taken from the standard SQL question type, in which just some MySQL -> sqlite conversions will be done):

import subprocess, os, shutil, sys

# Use Twig to get students answer and the columnwidth template parameter

student_answer = """{{ STUDENT_ANSWER | e('py') }}""".rstrip()

column_widths = []

{% for width in QUESTION.parameters.columnwidths %}


{% endfor %}

def ireplace(old, new, text):


    Replace case insensitive text



        index_l = text.lower().index(old.lower())

        return text[:index_l] + new + text[index_l + len(old):] 


        return text

import re

student_answer = ireplace("NOW()", "(datetime('now', 'localtime'))", student_answer)

student_answer = ireplace("INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", student_answer)

student_answer = ireplace("INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", student_answer)

student_answer = ireplace("INT AUTO_INCREMENT", "INTEGER PRIMARY KEY", student_answer)

student_answer = re.sub(r'^\s+PRIMARY.*\n?', '', student_answer, flags=re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE)

student_answer = re.sub(r',(?=\n\);)', '', student_answer)

column_widths = []

{% for width in QUESTION.parameters.columnwidths %}


{% endfor %}

if not student_answer.endswith(';'):

    student_answer = student_answer + ';'

db_files = [fname for fname in os.listdir() if fname.endswith('.db')]

if len(db_files) == 0:

    raise Exception("No DB files found!")

elif len(db_files) == 1:

    db_working = db_files[0][:-3]  # Strip .db extension


    raise Exception("Multiple DB files not implemented yet, sorry!")

SEPARATOR = "#<ab@17943918#@>#"

controls = [".mode column", ".headers on"]

if column_widths: # Add column width specifiers if given

    controls.append(".width " + ' '.join(str(width) for width in column_widths))

prelude = '\n'.join(controls) + '\n'

{% for TEST in TESTCASES %}

shutil.copyfile(db_files[0], db_working)  # Copy clean writeable db file

testcode = """{{ TEST.testcode | e('py') }}"""

extra = """{{ TEST.extra | e('py') }}"""

code_to_run = '\n'.join([prelude, extra, student_answer, testcode])

with open('commands', 'w') as sqlite_commands:


with open('commands') as cmd_input:

    text_input = cmd_input.read()


        output = subprocess.check_output(['sqlite3', db_working], input=text_input,



    except Exception as e:

        raise Exception("sqlite3 error: " + str(e))

{% if not loop.last %}


{% endif %}

{% endfor %}

Any ideas?

Ca răspuns la Aleksi Postari

Re: sql type with multiple test cases not providing error output

de către Richard Lobb-
The error message means that the output from the program, when split with the SEPARATOR, didn't yield two test results.

The SEPARATOR in your template (which is an arbitrary random-looking string I came up with about 10 years ago) must match the value in the Test splitter question field (under Template controls). Check that the value in that field is
See attached screenshot.
Atașament Screenshot from 2022-10-04 15-05-45.png
Ca răspuns la Richard Lobb

Re: sql type with multiple test cases not providing error output

de către Aleksi Postari-
I guess this fixed the problem. Thanks!