Failed to run tests: how to override mark?

Re: Failed to run tests: how to override mark?

by Anton Tremetzberger -
Number of replies: 0
Hello Richard,

Thank you very much for the detailed and quick answer.

I have now made a re-grading. That was the solution for the problem. We were now able to make a manual grading.

Regarding the adaptive mode: to be sure, I ask you – does this mean the test settings in Moodle (Question behavior – adaptive mode with/without penalty)? We still had the setting to "deferred feedback" in this test. We had overlooked the setting and we will do it in adaptive mode in the future. Perhaps this could be a reason for the problem with the two students.

Regarding scratchpad: at the moment we don't use it, but we are considering using it.

Regarding the server capacity: All our test cases based on Java, so as you said it is much more expensive than other languages. Thank your for this “formula”, we will calculate this and do a test run with Then we will see if it the server settings are ok. If necessary, we will add a second server.

Thank you very much for your help.

best regards