SQL Questions other than SELECT

SQL Questions other than SELECT

de către Stephen Richards-
Număr de răspunsuri: 0

Hi, I'm very new to coderunner.

I've been trying to create a simple SQL question that asks students to insert a new record into a database. The approach I've tried was to create a simple DB and upload the file. This would also apply to things like creating new tables as well.

The question asks for specific data to be added to a table.

In the standard input for the question I have tried a select statement that would give the required output if the values had been inserted correctly. It doesn't seem to get run.

I've also tried putting the select statement in the extra template data section. When I do this, the command gets run before the student answer is carried out and doesn't show the new values.

The only way I can find to do it seems to be to put the select statement at the end of the student answer which is not ideal.

How can I go about achieving this?
