How to hide\avoid the status of "Summary of attempt"

How to hide\avoid the status of "Summary of attempt"

by miki dream -
Number of replies: 3


We've just started to use this great qtype,

I've notice when I make a quiz with some coderunner questions and  timing (open and close time), the "status"  of the "Summary of attempt" is displayed to the student although the quiz is not submitted and not finished yet.

We wish to have a quiz with coderunner questions that only in the end of the quiz they can see the full feedback and grade.
but now they see in the status of the  "Summary of attempt" like: "correct" or "Partially correct"  just before clicking on the "submit all and finish" so like that they know if they are wrong or not and they can go back to those questions.. but we want them to see it only after the end of the quiz.

in a multiple questions or any other qtype they see in the status "Answer saved" (which is great) how can it be like that with coderunner questions too?

Or, If you have maybe  a css code  that hides this table in this specific quiz it can help too.

Hope you can help me.

Thanks a lot

see example in the images

Attachment correcty.JPG
Attachment partially.JPG
In reply to miki dream

Re: How to hide\avoid the status of "Summary of attempt"

by Richard Lobb -

No, you can't hide the correctness of CodeRunner questions until the quiz closes. CodeRunner is designed to be be used with a quiz behaviour set to Adaptive mode, so that students get to see immediately if their code is correct or not. This is far more motivating, and has far better learning outcomes, than a deferred mode in which students don't see their results until later, possibly even days later.

I appreciate that in tests and exams, with the focus on summative assessment, you might wish to give somewhat less feedback than usual, e.g. by hiding some or even all of the tests in the result table. But I think it's unfair not to at least let the student know if their answer is being marked right or not. What if they made a tiny error in copying and pasting, leaving out a single character? Should this really result in their losing all their marks for the question?

For more on the subject of how best to use CodeRunner, see this appendix to the CodeRunner documentation or the Lobb and Harlow article.


In reply to Richard Lobb

Re: How to hide\avoid the status of "Summary of attempt"

by miki dream -
Thank you very much for your detailed answer.
I understand now.
We might just use a css code  on the final exams only.

In reply to Richard Lobb

Re: How to hide\avoid the status of "Summary of attempt"

by Biju Augustian -

Thank you very much for the answer for it helped me too.