Currently, the last unit of my Intro to CSP Python class is about graphics. Students create pictures and animations using global variables, creating frames, drawing lines and circles and polygons, etc.
Currently, we use codeskulptor and the simplegui module. It is a real pain to grade though and very difficult to do a lot of small assignments checking that they are getting the basics as they go.
What would be a good way for me to write questions in coderunner that implement gui. Obviously simplegui doesn't work in coderunner. Is there a different module I should be using or a working around I could use?
Here is an example of a basic questions I would want to ask and have coderunner run and grade.
Create a 600 by 600 black frame that has a 10 width diagonal white line from (0,0) to (600,600).
import simplegui
def draw(canvas):
frame = simplegui.create_frame("Home", 600, 600)