Thank you Richard and Tim for your feedback.
Regarding Tim's post, I've extensively googled for this issue and came across several of his posts that explain the issue. Thank you for that.
After enabling mod_dumpio in the Apache server, I've managed to, I hope, distill the issue.
This cases consider the same user, quiz and question. What I did was to access the quiz, inside a CodeRunner question, and I pressed the "Check" button. Then I got the "network reset" error, or the successful checking. Regarding your previous questions, the error also appears in non-Code Runner questions.
In the good case (error_ok.log):
- Line 1: POST to
- Then CodeRunner does its job correctly, querying the JOBE server
- Line 175: The response to the POST is a 303 See Other with Location:
- Line 184: GET
- The redirect is followed and everything works OK.
In the bad case (error_bad.log):
- Line 1: POST to
- Then CodeRunner does its job correctly, querying the JOBE server
- Line 173: The response to the POST is a 303 See Other with Location:
- Then the redirect never happens!! There is no corresponding GET
I attach 2 trimmed logs that pinpoint the situation.
Overall the MoodleSession cookie is kept around, and is not deleted. Also, we are not using a single-sign-on, only manual accounts.
Considering all things together, I think the main difference between the internal and external network is DNS resolution. After some more googling I found that there exist some: "Redirection on CORS with preflight" think, meaning that 303 redirects are not followed.
Now, I have no idea about how to fix this issue... so any further help is greatly appreciated!
Best regards