UI blockly plugin

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Richard Lobb -
Anzahl Antworten: 11

Yay! I have it working on my machine :-) 

Turning off Javascript caching was the main thing. But I also had to change the url computation around line 34 in ui_blockly.js to be compatible with my development machine, where URLs begin http://localhost/moodle/...

In order to get a clean grunt run, I also copied toolbox.xml into the blockly folder in build and changed ui_blockly.js to load it from there. I then removed the blockly folder from src.

I don't know much about blockly so I wasn't able to do much. But clearly the basic functionality works and it looks like great fun, Ruben. 

I think the subplugin idea is the way to go, but I haven't had time to look into whether that can be made to work with question types and what I have to do to support it. Let us know about any further developments. I suggest you email me directly with minor tweaks, bug fixes etc but post back here if you have actual developments suitable for others to use.

Thanks again for an interesting and fun development.

Als Antwort auf Richard Lobb

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Richard Lobb -
A brief update: I tried breaking the user interfaces out into a set of subplugins but it didn't work. The documentation here, which says they're supported only for activity modules, html editors, local plugins and admin tools, is in fact correct. Code lines 60/61 in component.php provide the proof:

    /** @var array list plugin types that support subplugins, do not add more here unless absolutely necessary */
    protected static $supportsubplugins = array('mod', 'editor', 'tool', 'local');

So, sadly, if looks like subplugins are not the way to go here, at least not for now.

Als Antwort auf Richard Lobb

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Mark Brand -
Hi Richard

Please excuse me reviving an old thread, but I thought it might make some sort of sense to keep this together with your earlier exchanges with Ruben. Feel free to rebuke me if I should have started a new thread.

I'm running Moodle 3.3.4+ (sorry, I'm not in a position to upgrade), with cachejs enabled (I believe that's no longer a problem?), and CodeRunner is running perfectly. I've replaced the coderunner question type folder with Ruben's (from the repository linked above), which triggered an upgrade (everything else still works). The blockly prototype question has been installed, as it should. Upon trying to create a new blockly question, the console gives me the error: "No define call for qtype_coderunner/blockly/browser", and the blockly interface is never shown. No other ui_ (graph, ace, html) seems to work after that either. Upon creating another new question, though, the other ui's work again. The problem only occurs when I select blockly as a question type. And the same error is shown when the question is previewed, of course.

I realise that you've probably spent little or no time with this ui since your experimentation over a year ago, but I'm hoping you might be able to share some insight that might get me moving in the right direction. I can see that the "define" being complained about is properly there in ui_blockly.js, but I can't establish why it's not being seen. Any and all advice is appreciated.

Als Antwort auf Mark Brand

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Ruben Cancho -
Hi Mark,

sorry for not maintaining my fork! Being 290 commits behind of master may be the source of your problems...

I'll try to sync in a few weeks and remember how Coderunner worked ;)

Als Antwort auf Ruben Cancho

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Mark Brand -
Hi Ruben

Thank you ever so much for your response. Your suggestion sent me to the diff tool. As mentioned, I'm running Moodle 3.3.4+. Therefore my CodeRunner was 3.7.9+ prior to dropping your repository in its place. That did trigger a small upgrade, but I kept a copy of the original coderunner folder, and diff shows me that the changes made (aside from the addition of ui_blockly.js and the blockly folder) were not many. I've been working through each of those in search of something that might account for why my blockly questions don't see a define call for qtype_coderunner/blockly/browser.

Are you able to confirm that your repository was built on Richard's 3.7.9+? A comparison with the next version (4.0.0) shows far more differences, leading me to believe that my assumption is correct. I honestly feel as if it's something small I'm missing here.

Als Antwort auf Mark Brand

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Mark Brand -
Hi Ruben

Upon mustering every inch of debug-fu at my disposal (which is not that much), I've been able to confirm that coderunner makes it at least to the require statement at userinterfacewrapper.js:269, but doesn't seem to make it into the constructor at ui_blockly.js:12. As the error message has been telling me all along, it doesn't seem to be able to resolve 'qtype_coderunner/blockly/browser'. I've been tinkering with require.config's path directive, but to no avail thus far. I haven't yet figured out how to determine whether the module definition at blockly/browser.js:4 is being missed between all of the other conditionals. That seems to me to be the most promising line of enquiry at the moment. If my blundering causes you to have any insights... please do share.

Als Antwort auf Mark Brand

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Richard Lobb -
I'm going to have to leave you in Ruben's hands, Mark, as it's his fork of CodeRunner and my latest version has diverged significantly from his. Also, it's the first week of a new semester here and I have a class of 1000 students, of which around 12% are having to self-isolate due to having COVID or being close contacts. This is keeping me busy.

The only comment I have is that I think Moodle has changed how it is handling AMD module JavaScript caching. I haven't looked into the changes but it seems I now have to run grunt for my JavaScript source changes to have any effect. Have you run grunt, so that the build directory is up to date? Also, you'll probably need to add the 'force' flag to the grunt run, since it's now much fussier than it used to be.

Good luck guys!
Als Antwort auf Richard Lobb

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Mark Brand -
Thank you Richard. Your comments are appreciated, all the more under the circumstances. The below is not intended to take up any more of your time, but rather just to respond to the questions you raise, and hopefully head off any effort expended on red-herrings.

I was running your CodeRunner 3.7.9+, since it's a Moodle 3.3.4+. A diff showed that Ruben's master branch varies from your clean CR 3.7.9+ in very clear, and dare I say, understandable ways. And I'm working on the assumption that this did work at some point for somebody. I strongly suspect that I'm fighting some sort of quirk on my system, but it would have to be a quirk that hasn't manifested anywhere else. This despite running CR for months, and being quite progressive in testing its capabilities. My biggest obstacle, as always, is my own ignorance (I've just learned about UMD... boy, do I feel silly about my earlier comment). I have succeeded in adding AMD modules to other Moodle question types, and these are all still working. CR's ui_graph is working perfectly, which I suspect is the closest comparison? And ace is doing fine too.

My immediate challenge is to get Moodle to see the define in blockly/browser.js. I am not running in developer mode. After every change, I manually run grunt in the amd folder (with no flags), which writes 15 files without error. I then flush both Moodle and browser caches and test. At one point, I started making changes to minified code directly (in build), essentially to verify that my cache cleansing was effective. I've fiddled with pure Blockly AMD examples (independent of Moodle and CR), to satisfy myself that I understand what is required.

I've been ruminating on whether I need to grunt the blockly subfolder as well. Ruben supplies a minified version in his build/blockly folder, but I see that's not being touched by my grunt in the amd folder. Not that I'm needing to change anything in the blockly folder, but I did wonder about this. I'm also considering relocating all of the blockly files to either directly in src and build, or in the root of coderunner (as for ace). At this stage, I'm grabbing at straws. But it's not something I haven't experienced many, many times before.

Thank you both for sharing your insights, and moreover for your respective contributions to keeping every day exciting! I really am looking forward to seeing this all come together.
Als Antwort auf Mark Brand

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Richard Lobb -
OK, so it's the weekend and I do some recreational programming in weekends (though I'll probably regret this) ...

Here's what I did:
  1. I copied the Ruben's blockly plugin code (ui_blockly.js plus the blockly folder) into the AMD src folder of my development system (CodeRunner version 4.2.3),
  2. Turned off JS caching.
  3. Did a grunt --force. On the first run this took ages to process blockly (10 - 20 mins??) but it did eventually result in a blockly folder in the build folder containing all the minimised blockly code. [Note: on subsequent runs, when all I had done was edit ui_blockly.js, I killed grunt as soon as it had processed the changed file.]
  4. Tried creating a Python question but customised to use blockly UI (not knowing what was meant to happen - just exploring).
 I got an error message that loadBlockly was undefined. It turned out that the function definition was mis-positioned in the code and was being called before it was defined. I repositioned it. Then got a mostly useless blockly window with no toolbox. Discovered from reading the code that the toolbox is meant to be supplied as a template parameter. But template parameters are no longer provided to UI plugins (as of CodeRunner 4.0 I think): they need to instead use UI-params. For this you should define ui_blockly.json but I was fast losing enthusiasm. So instead I found an example of a toolbox definition in javascript on the web and just crudely pasted it into ui_blockly.js. That then let me create the following (which doesn't run, you'll note).
BLockly snapshot

I'm not sure what this proves, however, as I'm using CodeRunner 4.2.3 and you're on 3.7.9. But apart from the issue of template params having turned into UI params, it does suggest that your problems probably aren't the result of changes to either Moodle or CodeRunner. The minimised blockly code in build may actually be required?

I attached my hacked-at ui_blockly.js file.

You do have a toolbox template parameter defined, I assume?

Sorry but that's all I have to offer. My impression is that quite a lot of work is needed to knock this into shape and I recommend you wait till Ruben has pushed a more recent working version.
Als Antwort auf Richard Lobb

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Mark Brand -

Thank you, sincerely and deeply, for the trouble you've taken to nudge me along. You made me laugh out loud when you mentioned "recreational programming". Your effort is appreciated, honestly. I'll soldier on. Wishing you a properly recreational weekend.

Als Antwort auf Mark Brand

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Mark Brand -
Hello Richard and Ruben

I am ecstatic to report that I've managed to get it working. Yes, there will probably be some speedbumps, but I'm thrilled at the prospect of being able to introduce this into my teaching. In case you're curious, Richard: it'll serve to support my teaching of an entirely paper-based first course in programming principles. Really basic stuff, and I think this is the way to make it come alive, whilst simultaneously leveraging all the Moodle benefits. Thank you Ruben for connecting the dots, and for the all the work that must have gone into prototyping this. And my appreciation for CodeRunner just blooms day-by-day, Richard. Thank you both.

So, the key insight turned out to be this: https://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-66192. In my version, at least, Moodle refused to deal with a subfolder beneath src. I had to dump the blockly code directly into coderunner's src, and rebase the references in ui_blockly.js. Also in ui_blockly.js, I found that loadBlockly_() was being invoked before it had been defined. That just needed switching around. That was the gist of it, aside from an obsession with flushing Moodle cache and browser cache after every grunt (which ran without errors, by the way). The result is not pretty, I agree, but it works. It seems that a neater solution is possible once I'm allowed to upgrade the Moodle server.

Now to see how to whittle down the toolbox, and to start writing lots and lots of questions! Once again, my deepest thanks to you both.
Als Antwort auf Mark Brand

Re: UI blockly plugin

von Richard Lobb -
Well done Mark! Good to hear. It's nice to have another happy camper and to hear your passion for teaching shining through. Enjoy!