Hi all
My summer programming binge was shorter than usual due to holidays and other work pressures. However, I have implemented a few new CodeRunner features as follows:
- A graph question type that allows you to set questions to
which the answer is a graph that the student can draw directly
into the answer box. This supports FSMs, directed graphs and
undirected graphs. See below for a screenshot. Thanks to Emily Price (UCan) for the initial
prototype version of this.
- A multilanguage question type that allows you to ask a "Write a program" type of question which the student can answer in C, C++, Java or Python3. Other languages could be added if required.
- An SQL question type that allows you to set questions that
require SQL answers (but restricted to the sqlite3 dialect).
Thanks to Trent Lewis (Monash Uni).
- Programs can now output non-ASCII UTF-8 characters. However, this only works with the latest version of Jobe (version 1.4.0) and if the Apache LANG environment variable is set to a UTF-8 locale. See the Jobe installation instructions for details.
- A question can be customised to use a different Jobe sandbox from normal, allowing for load balancing and specialist Jobe servers (e.g. for a language not supported by the production Jobe server).
- The question authoring UI now allows one-click correction of
test cases that fail during "Validate on save" (assuming the
sample answer is correct - caveat emptor). Thanks Andrei Bautu
(Trier Uni).
- PHP and Python scripts are now available to download and analyse all submissions to a quiz, rather than just the final one by each student.
- Various bug fixes and improvements to combinator template
grading capabilities.
There are a couple of issues I'm aware of with the new version, but apparently they've both been present for years:
- On the very first time you open a CodeRunner question after a version upgrade, the JavaScript for the Ace editor needs to be downloaded again and Ace will not actually work until the page (or any other CodeRunner question) is reloaded. You should only see this issue once, on the first CodeRunner access. Thereafter the Ace editor code is cached in the browser.
- User-resizing of the user interface input fields doesn't work with IE or