This is a prototype prototype (!) template for Java method questions, sort of like BUILT_IN_PROTOTYPE_java_method but with some differences:
- the major difference is that the method can depend on an object state by referencing instance attributes
- the method can refer to stuff in supporting classes
- the class can be in a Java package (see another discussion in this forum)
public class Toto {
private String hello = "Yo!";
public String getHello() {
return hello;
Replace the method with the string PLACEHOLDER so that the class looks like:
public class Toto {
private String hello = "Yo!";
The template uses convention over configuration, so the above class must be in a support file called placeholder. The template replaces PLACEHOLDER by the student answer and runs the resulting class against your tests.
Here's the template:
import sys, os, shutil, subprocess
__student_answer__ = """{{ STUDENT_ANSWER | e('py') }}"""
# First replace the placeholder with the student answer
placeholder = '{{QUESTION.parameters.placeholder}}' or 'placeholder'
ncoding = '{{QUESTION.parameters.encoding}}' or 'utf-8'
with open(placeholder, mode='r', encoding=ncoding) as fd:
__student_answer__ ='PLACEHOLDER', __student_answer__)
with open('{{ QUESTION.parameters.class}}.java', mode='w', encoding=ncoding) as fd:
print(__student_answer__, file=fd)
# Make package directory, put support files into it
package_dir = '{{ QUESTION.parameters.package }}'.replace('.', '/')
[shutil.move(f, package_dir) for f in os.listdir() if f.endswith('.java')]
# Build test class in package directory too
tester = '''package {{ QUESTION.parameters.package }};
public class __Tester__ {
public static void main(String[] args) {
with open(package_dir + '/', mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as fd:
print(tester, file=fd)
# Compile and run
if (['javac', '-encoding', ncoding, package_dir + '/']) != 0 or['java', package_dir + '/__Tester__']) != 0):
print('** Further testing aborted **', file=sys.stderr)