CodeRunner questions were intended as programming questions to run in Adaptive Mode. In an Adaptive Mode quiz it makes sense for questions to display as Correct/Incorrect, although Tim Hunt also added the state Prechecked for cases where you have enabled a Precheck button. Even in a quiz running in, say, Deferred Feedback mode I still think it's appropriate to display Correct/Incorrect/Prechecked, since students should be given the opportunity to check their code (and should do so).
However, a problem does arise when you start using CodeRunner for non-programming questions such as with the TableUI, HTML-UI or even Gapfiller-UI, particularly if you have no Precheck button and you also hide the Check button (a feature only added at the start of this year). Is that the situation that's causing you concern?
I think it should be possible for the CodeRunner question-behaviour module to set a state of saved if the user enters or changes an answer and navigates away or clicks submit. Perhaps Tim Hunt can confirm that this is suitable solution? If so, I'll put this on my todo list for the coming summer break, when I do most of my development (I live in the Southern Hemisphere - so think November/December).
One idea in the meantime: this year, when using HTML UI questions in an exam we made a point of
giving students a Precheck button, which did sanity checks on their
answers and set the state to Prechecked. It can also be used to provide reassuring comments like "Your non-empty answer has been saved and will be marked when the quiz is submitted." Would that help you deal with your situation?